Biography: Wadad Wazen Gergy
Ayant à son actif un master recherche en génie télécommunication et réseaux et une expertise de plus de 17 ans, Mme Wadad Wazen Gergy est une experte engagée dans la technologie éducative, promouvant l’innovation et le leadership dans l’enseignement supérieur. En tant que directrice du Centre de l’innovation numérique et de l’intelligence artificielle (CINIA), qui fut auparavant connu sous le nom de l’Unité des nouvelles technologies éducatives (UNTE), à l’Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth, elle a joué un rôle pionnier pour faciliter la transition rapide vers l’apprentissage en ligne pendant la pandémie. En 2021, Mme Wazen Gergy a été sélectionnée par l’ambassade des États-Unis au Liban pour participer au prestigieux programme d’échanges IVLP « The Next Generation of E-Practitioners ». Depuis 2023, elle coordonne la Commission de l’orientation stratégique du numérique et de l’IA, qui a pour mission d’élaborer le plan stratégique relatif au numérique et à l’IA à l’USJ. Son engagement et son expertise ont été reconnus nationalement par le ministère libanais de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur puisqu’elle a joué un rôle-clé dans la conception du premier Cadre national pour l’apprentissage numérique. Elle a été souvent sollicitée pour animer des ateliers et des conférences dans divers pays, en tant que formatrice, conférencière et consultante, dans le cadre de projets régionaux soutenus par l’AUF.
Higher education institution Workshops
Minsitry of Higher Education (MEHE)
- How to improve online learners’ motivation in online learning? | Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) (20 hours – November 2020)
- Make your remote collaboration effective |Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) (20 hours – November 2021)
Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)
- Classe inversée – Université Française d’Egypte au Caire (25 hours – 2022)
- Cours en ligne, e-tutorat et classe inversée à l’ère numérique – FSPI project “Acceleration of the digital transformation in the higher education in the MENA” financed and coordinated by AUF [Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie]. (90h – 2022/2023)
- Conception et gestion d’un cours en ligne |Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) – Accelerating the Digital Transition of Higher Education in the Middle East (Lebanon, Palestine and Irak) project (30 hours – 2021)
- Design and manage of a MOOC |Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) – Make the University of Mosul a model of digital learning space Project (30 hours – 2021)
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- Roundtable at the Charles Corm Foundation on Artifcial Intelligence (2023)
- IA et recherche – 14e édition des Journées de la Recherche – USJ (2023)
- La gouvernance numérique au service des objectifs de développement durable – Conférence régionale des Recteurs de la Région du Moyen-Orient (CONFREMO) ( 2019)
- Covid 19 in education: Lessons learned and best practices panel – 4th Middle East & North Africa Conference for Information System Hybrid conference (MENACIS) – Morocco (2021)
- L’ancrage de la transformation numérique grâce à une démarche participative active des différentes parties prenantes à l’USJ – Transformation numérique et gouvernance universitaire – Assises de la Francophonie scientifique ( 2021)
- Adapting or redefining assessment ? Online Workshop for Swissuniversities Cluster of Collaboration in Digital Education and Research in MENA (CLOC-MENA) (2020)
- Moving from adapting teaching to online to adapting online to teaching Online learning : A paradigm shift in Higher Education in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic – Alexandria University (2020)
- How to strengthen ICT adoption and measure its appropriation in a university?, Conférence régionale des Recteurs de la Région du Moyen-Orient (CONFREMO) ( 2019)
- Sustaining Innovations in Educational Technology: Case of USJ, Alexandria Pedagogical Innovation and Technology Enhanced Learning APITEL, University of Alexandria, Egypt (2019)
- Pedagogical integrations of digital in education: Towards an optimization of skills development – Educational and digital innovation at the service of the labor market, Saint-Joseph university of Beirut (2018)
- Referential of cross-curricular skills required in the 21st century – USJ Student e-Portfolio, The skills needed for the twenty first century and their impact on teaching and learning in higher education, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Lebanon (2018)
- Designing an online course according to Competency-Based Approach, Conférence régionale des Recteurs de la Région du Moyen-Orient (CONFREMO) (2018)
- Saint-Joseph university’s experience in educational technologies, Conférence régionale des Recteurs de la Région du Moyen-Orient (CONFREMO) ( 2017)
- Challenges of distance learning, Quality of distance learning, Balamand university, Lebanon ( 2016)
- Communication and E-health: strengths and pitfalls, Healing communication in the world of health, Saint-Joseph university of Beirut (2019)
- Thinking educational organizations in the age of mobility (in Web Diffusion), International e-education symposium, École supérieure de l’Éducation nationale de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche( ESENESR), France (2015)
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LinkedIn: Profil LinkedIn de Wadad Wazen Gergy
Biography: Wadad Wazen Gergy
With a research master’s degree in telecommunications and networks engineering and over 17 years of expertise, Ms. Wadad Wazen Gergy is a leading figure in educational technology, promoting innovation and leadership in Higher Education. As the Director of the Center for Digital Innovation and Artificial Intelligence (CINIA), formerly known as the New Educational Technologies Unit (UNTE), at Saint Joseph University in Beirut, she played a pioneering role in facilitating the rapid transition to online learning during the pandemic. In 2021, Ms. Wazen Gergy was nominated by the United States Embassy in Lebanon to participate in the prestigious International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) exchange program, “The Next Generation of E-Practitioners.” Since 2023, she has coordinated the Commission for the Strategic Orientation of Digital and AI, tasked with developing the strategic plan for digital and AI at USJ. Her commitment and expertise have been nationally recognized by the Lebanese Ministry of Education and Higher Education, as she played a key role in designing the first National Framework for Digital Learning. Beyond her national impact, Mrs. Wazen is actively engaged in regional projects with the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and other prestigious entities. She is also a renowned trainer, speaker, and consultant, delivering workshops and conferences in several countries, where she continues to influence the field of educational technology on an international scale.
Higher education institution Workshops
Minsitry of Higher Education (MEHE)
- How to improve online learners’ motivation in online learning? | Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) (20 hours – November 2020)
- Make your remote collaboration effective |Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) (20 hours – November 2021)
Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)
- Classe inversée – Université Française d’Egypte au Caire (25 hours – 2022)
- Cours en ligne, e-tutorat et classe inversée à l’ère numérique – FSPI project “Acceleration of the digital transformation in the higher education in the MENA” financed and coordinated by AUF [Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie]. (90h – 2022/2023)
- Conception et gestion d’un cours en ligne |Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) – Accelerating the Digital Transition of Higher Education in the Middle East (Lebanon, Palestine and Irak) project (30 hours – 2021)
- Design and manage of a MOOC |Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) – Make the University of Mosul a model of digital learning space Project (30 hours – 2021)
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- Roundtable at the Charles Corm Foundation on Artifcial Intelligence (2023)
- IA et recherche – 14e édition des Journées de la Recherche – USJ (2023)
- La gouvernance numérique au service des objectifs de développement durable – Conférence régionale des Recteurs de la Région du Moyen-Orient (CONFREMO) ( 2019)
- Covid 19 in education: Lessons learned and best practices panel – 4th Middle East & North Africa Conference for Information System Hybrid conference (MENACIS) – Morocco (2021)
- L’ancrage de la transformation numérique grâce à une démarche participative active des différentes parties prenantes à l’USJ – Transformation numérique et gouvernance universitaire – Assises de la Francophonie scientifique ( 2021)
- Adapting or redefining assessment ? Online Workshop for Swissuniversities Cluster of Collaboration in Digital Education and Research in MENA (CLOC-MENA) (2020)
- Moving from adapting teaching to online to adapting online to teaching Online learning : A paradigm shift in Higher Education in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic – Alexandria University (2020)
- How to strengthen ICT adoption and measure its appropriation in a university?, Conférence régionale des Recteurs de la Région du Moyen-Orient (CONFREMO) ( 2019)
- Sustaining Innovations in Educational Technology: Case of USJ, Alexandria Pedagogical Innovation and Technology Enhanced Learning APITEL, University of Alexandria, Egypt (2019)
- Pedagogical integrations of digital in education: Towards an optimization of skills development – Educational and digital innovation at the service of the labor market, Saint-Joseph university of Beirut (2018)
- Referential of cross-curricular skills required in the 21st century – USJ Student e-Portfolio, The skills needed for the twenty first century and their impact on teaching and learning in higher education, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Lebanon (2018)
- Designing an online course according to Competency-Based Approach, Conférence régionale des Recteurs de la Région du Moyen-Orient (CONFREMO) (2018)
- Saint-Joseph university’s experience in educational technologies, Conférence régionale des Recteurs de la Région du Moyen-Orient (CONFREMO) ( 2017)
- Challenges of distance learning, Quality of distance learning, Balamand university, Lebanon ( 2016)
- Communication and E-health: strengths and pitfalls, Healing communication in the world of health, Saint-Joseph university of Beirut (2019)
- Thinking educational organizations in the age of mobility (in Web Diffusion), International e-education symposium, École supérieure de l’Éducation nationale de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche( ESENESR), France (2015)
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LinkedIn: Wadad Wazen Gergy’s LinkedIn Profile