© 2024 Center for Digital Innovation and AI. Created for free using WordPress and Kubio
L’Intelligence Artificielle (IA) est en train de transformer radicalement notre monde et son impact sur l’éducation est incontestable. À l’ère du numérique, l’IA offre des possibilités infinies pour révolutionner notre approche pédagogique, améliorer les résultats d’apprentissage et offrir des expériences éducatives plus personnalisées et adaptées à chaque apprenant. Elle constitue une opportunité remarquable pour repenser notre manière d’enseigner et d’apprendre, tout en anticipant les défis émergents auxquels notre institution doit faire face.
« L’USJ prend le parti de ne pas interdire l’utilisation des IA génératives et de former ses futurs diplômés à un usage éclairé qui favorise le développement de leur esprit critique et de leur créativité » telle est la prise de position de notre Université quant à l’usage de l’IA générative.
Nous nous alignons sur cette position et nous œuvrons, comme nous le faisons toujours, à accompagner notre communauté dans cette transformation numérique réelle, éthique et responsable toujours guidée par l’excellence.
Dans cette newsletter, nous explorerons diverses facettes de l’utilisation de l’IA dans l’enseignement supérieur. Vous trouverez une base de données d’outils basés sur l’IA dans toutes les disciplines, un répertoire de ressources pour éclairer notre communauté sur les dernières tendances et les meilleures pratiques en matière d’intégration de l’IA dans nos cours, nos activités de recherche.
Nous mettrons également en avant les projets réalisés au sein de notre Commission des orientations stratégiques du numérique et de l’IA. Ces réalisations illustrent notre engagement collectif à être des acteurs visionnaires dans le paysage éducatif actuel.
Nous espérons que cette newsletter suscitera des réflexions, des échanges et des collaborations fructueuses au sein de notre communauté. N’hésitez pas à partager vos idées, vos suggestions et vos expériences de succès pour que nous puissions continuer à progresser ensemble vers l’avenir de l’enseignement supérieur!
Wadad Wazen Gergy
Cheffe de l’Unité des nouvelles technologies éducatives
Awareness Month for the Proper Use of Artificial Intelligence
"Artificial intelligence now affects all aspects of our social lives. Without always knowing it, we interact daily with intelligent systems […]. They serve us invisibly. At least, that's the goal we assign them: to make our lives better, task by task.”(Villani, 2018, p. 139.)
Teachers and students all over the world are increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) systems, sometimes even without realizing it. Search engines, smart assistants, chat rooms, machine translations, navigation applications, online video games and many other applications that make our daily lives easier. AI systems collect and process vast amounts of data in different forms (sounds, images, texts, messages, etc.) which together, create our digital footprint.
L’IA peut considérablement améliorer l’éducation et la formation pour les étudiants, les enseignants et les responsables. À mesure que les systèmes d’IA évoluent et que l’utilisation des données augmente, il est de la plus haute importance de mieux comprendre leur incidence sur le monde qui nous entoure, en particulier dans l’éducation et la formation. (lire plus)
UNTE en action
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is profoundly reshaping our world, and its influence on education is unquestionable. In this digital era, AI presents boundless opportunities to completely revolutionize our teaching methods, enhance learning outcomes, and deliver educational experiences that are highly customized and tailored to each individual. This presents an extraordinary chance to reevaluate our approach to teaching and learning, all the while proactively addressing the upcoming challenges that our institution must confront.
“The USJ advocates for the non-prohibition of generative AIs and emphasizes the importance of training its future graduates in a thoughtful and enlightened manner that fosters the development of their critical thinking and creativity.” This stance reflects our University’s position on the use of generative AI.
We wholeheartedly endorse this approach and, as always, strive to support our community in undergoing this genuine, ethical, and responsible digital transformation, driven by a commitment to excellence.
In this newsletter, we shall delve into diverse aspects of AI’s application in higher education. It will feature a comprehensive database of AI-powered tools spanning across academic fields of study as well as a resource directory aimed at enlightening our community on the latest trends and best practices for integrating AI into our courses and research activities.
Furthermore, we will showcase the projects undertaken by our Committee for Digital and Artificial Intelligence Strategic Orientation, exemplifying our collective dedication to assume visionary roles in the contemporary educational landscape.
We hope this newsletter will spark thoughtful reflection, facilitate meaningful dialogue, and encourage fruitful collaborations within our community. We eagerly invite you to share your ideas, suggestions, and successes as we work together to build a bright future for higher education!
Wadad Wazen Gergy
Head of the New Educational Technologies Unit
Awareness month for the proper use of artificial intelligence
“Artificial intelligence now affects all aspects of our social lives. Without always knowing it, we interact daily with intelligent systems […]. They serve us invisibly. At least, that’s the goal we assign them: to make our lives better, task by task.”(Villani, 2018, p. 139.)
Teachers and students all over the world are increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) systems, sometimes even without realizing it. Search engines, smart assistants, chat rooms, machine translations, navigation applications, online video games and many other applications that make our daily lives easier. AI systems collect and process vast amounts of data in different forms (sounds, images, texts, messages, etc.) which together, create our digital footprint.
AI has the power to improve education and training for students, teachers, and managers. As AI systems evolve and data use increases, it is of utmost importance to better understand their impact on the world around us, especially in education and training. However, teachers and leaders should have at least a basic knowledge of AI and the use of data in order to approach this learning technology in a positive, critical, correct and ethical way and to use it to its full potential.
The use of AI raises interesting ethical reflections in particular the necessity of strengthening digital skills and competencies to embrace digital transformation and the need for increased awareness of the potential risks associated with emerging technologies in terms of ethics, sustainable development, protection and data veracity and online privacy, rights as well as discrimination and prejudice. (read more)
UNTE in action
CINIA is located on the 7th floor of the USJ Human Sciences Campus on Damascus Street in Beirut.
Don't hesitate to contact us at cinia@usj.edu.lb
or call us at +961 1 421 000 extension 5923/5924.
© 2024 Center for Digital Innovation and AI. Created for free using WordPress and Kubio
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