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Mrs. Wadad Wazen Gergy, Head of the New Educational Technologies Unit and Dr. Helena Saade PhD., Project Manager held a virtual meeting on Wednesday March 9, 2023, with Mr. Nicolas Hochet, co-head of the Regional Training Unit at Scientific and Technical Information (URFIST) on Open-badges.
Cette rencontre virtuelle avait pour objectif de réfléchir ensemble autour d’un sujet d’actualité pour investir davantage dans le numérique les open-badges afin de le placer au service de la reconnaissance des savoirs et des compétences. En effet, un Open Badge est l’incarnation numérique d’une expérience, d’une compétence ou d’un savoir.
Les Open Badges peuvent être utilisés pour confirmer l’acquisition d’aptitudes, de connaissances ou de compétences. Il existe des open-badges attribués pour les compétences, pour la participation à un événement scientifique, etc. et sont émis pour porter une valeur ajoutée dans un environnement donné, dans un réseau ou dans une communauté de pratique.
This exchange revolved around the importance of establishing a digital culture with the university community to allow teachers and students to create and manage a portfolio of certifications and recognitions based on what they have acquired or developed as part of their training or their careers.
Mrs. Wadad Wazen Gergy, Head of the New Educational Technologies Unit and Dr. Helena Saade PhD., Project Manager held a virtual meeting on Wednesday March 9, 2023, with Mr. Nicolas Hochet, co-head of the Regional Training Unit at Scientific and Technical Information (URFIST) on Open-badges.
The purpose of this virtual exchange was to discuss a recent topic and investigate the potential of digital open badges to verify skills and expertise.
Discussions focused on how Open Badges can be used to demonstrate and verify the skills, knowledge and competencies that individuals have acquired. By earning skill-based badges, the record of achievement that students begin in high school becomes the foundation upon which they build their capabilities throughout their professional lives.
They can be awarded for a range of activities, such as proficiency in a particular skill, participation in a scientific event, and more. They provide tangible value to the individual, to the network they are part of, and to any related community of practice.
This exchange revolved around the importance of establishing a digital culture with the university community to allow teachers and students to create and manage a portfolio of certifications and recognitions based on what they have acquired or developed as part of their training or their careers.
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© 2024 Center for Digital Innovation and AI. Created for free using WordPress and Kubio
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